Monday, February 10, 2014

Why is this national news..... again

Another football player comes out as being homosexual.  Great.  A gay male plays American Football in a male dominated team sport.  A few things come to mind here.

1.  Why is this NATIONAL news?  In today's day and age someone "coming out" doesn't seem like it's on the same level as say the economy or Obamacare or unemployment or even minimum wage issues.   The media likes to sensationalize anything and everything they can get their hands on and I suppose this makes a good ratings story, but when will the "OMG HE IS GAY" shock factor wear off to where it's no longer news worthy.  To me personally I hear it and go "eh, ok" and move on.  I just feel like there are many many more important things we need to worry about these days than if a College (soon to be Pro) Football player likes the D.

2. This is likely to ruffle some feathers, but what is his motive behind making it publicly known to EVERYONE (and their sister).  He said he came out to his team mates privately in the fall.  Great.. he told the people around him, and moved on.  The team he played for had a fantastic football season, so to me that says that there were no big issues.  I'm sure some people on the team disagree with homosexuality, and that is fine- that is their right- but it doesn't outwardly appear that anyone had any problem with it. They were professional about it and did what they were supposed to do and that's play football.  That's where it should have ended unless the guy is looking to improve his draft stock or have an excuse when he doesn't get drafted as highly as he expects he will.  Why play into the media over sensationalization of something that should be a private issue anyway? Publicity?  Just go play football and play it well and people will know about you.  I don't care that you are gay, and here are millions of other people out there the same way.  Hell many many pro football players don't care either.  Hell one of them lost his job this past year because of his outspokenness for homosexuality.   I just don't see where it's anyone's business at all, and certainly not something you need to hold a press conference over to alert the media.  To me that just screams attention whore.

Just my 2 cents.. carry on...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

In Sochi Russia, Toilet Flush You

So this morning I have been browsing the internet and I came across an article about how it is costing Russia 51 BILLION dollars (In my best Dr. Evil) of course.  Apparently this is 5 times what it cost Vancouver a mere 4 years ago.

Several things come to mind here.

1. If I'm spending 51 Billion dollars, I expect my contractors etc to get shit done.  EARLY if possible, but if not, at least on time.  Do you really want the world showing up at your door step and seeing this

And apparently, they have a unique idea incase you run out of toilet paper

But I digress..  I'll never complain about the government spending 200 on a toilet seat again, especially since I'm pretty sure it gets installed properly.

2.  Where DID the money go?   It has been alleged that 1/3 was siphoned off in corruption, or another person is saying 30 Billion was stolen- REALLY??  You expect us to believe someone or some people stole 30 Billion from the Russian Government?  I would believe North Korea's claim that Unicorns exist before I believe someone stole anything from the Russian Government.  Others are saying it has to do with inflated prices of construction materials.  That to me goes back to corruption.  Hell if I owned a building materials company, the thought might cross my mind to raise my prices if I heard the Olympics were coming to town, that doesn't make it right though.

3. Who's bright idea was it to put the Olympics in Russia anyway? I mean yeah they have snow.. LOTS of snow- hell they still have Siberia don't they? I just checked.. Yes they do. But really, I'm not an expert, but Russia is not one of the places I think about when I think Winter Sports and happiness and fair competition. 

4. Go here for some pretty funny tweets, and here for some more.  

5.  What happens after the Olympics.  From what I understand Sochi is declining resort town with limited access.  Who gets to say "I told you so"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

No, I'm not mad as in angry.  Well, not usually.  I am more mad as in mad hatter mad-except I am not a hatter I am a middle aged college educated pizza delivery dude who sees the dark and twisted side of things.  That's right, I'm a college grad who delivers pizza to the masses.  How the hell does that happen you ask?  Well it's a long story that I will share bits and pieces of later, but the root cause is having a degree that while once viable is now suited for selling UPS to non english speaking people in New York City, and asking Pepperoni or Extra Cheese?  So I am seeking to re-educate myself and in the mean time to keep busy I deliver pizza to pay some bills and stay alive.

What could you possibly blog about you ask?  Well, I spend a good amount of time in my car so I have plenty of time to think and observe the world around me.  I will share pictures of some of the stupid/crazy/funny things I see. I will share rants about stupidity in the world around me, sometimes about the people I deliver pizza to, the people I work with, live with or formerly lived with. Also included will be things I see/ observe/ hear from my college time.  I attend a large commuter branch campus of a state University and see all sorts of things here too.  All these things I will share with you.  Some of these things will make you laugh.  Some of these things will make you go WTF.  Some will even anger you and offend you.  Hell, occasionally some will even be heart warming and make you go awwwwwwww.  Take it for what it is- the world around us.  If I want your opinion on something, I'll give it to you.
