Thursday, February 6, 2014

No, I'm not mad as in angry.  Well, not usually.  I am more mad as in mad hatter mad-except I am not a hatter I am a middle aged college educated pizza delivery dude who sees the dark and twisted side of things.  That's right, I'm a college grad who delivers pizza to the masses.  How the hell does that happen you ask?  Well it's a long story that I will share bits and pieces of later, but the root cause is having a degree that while once viable is now suited for selling UPS to non english speaking people in New York City, and asking Pepperoni or Extra Cheese?  So I am seeking to re-educate myself and in the mean time to keep busy I deliver pizza to pay some bills and stay alive.

What could you possibly blog about you ask?  Well, I spend a good amount of time in my car so I have plenty of time to think and observe the world around me.  I will share pictures of some of the stupid/crazy/funny things I see. I will share rants about stupidity in the world around me, sometimes about the people I deliver pizza to, the people I work with, live with or formerly lived with. Also included will be things I see/ observe/ hear from my college time.  I attend a large commuter branch campus of a state University and see all sorts of things here too.  All these things I will share with you.  Some of these things will make you laugh.  Some of these things will make you go WTF.  Some will even anger you and offend you.  Hell, occasionally some will even be heart warming and make you go awwwwwwww.  Take it for what it is- the world around us.  If I want your opinion on something, I'll give it to you.


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